18 Ağustos 2013 Pazar

Iznik and finally Istanbul after a month

Hello everybody,
How are you?I was in İznik for the Ramadan bayram so i could not write anything.I was with my sister's family.They have a summer house in Darka ,İznik.It was wonderful to be with my little nephew and my sister .In Bodrum I swim in the sea but in İznik I swam in the lake but i was so scared to swim in the lake,because some people told me that in the lake there are snakes but they also told me that they are very friendly snakes and instead of giving harm, they swim with you.I said "Okey i am not going to swim there guys".But when i saw my sister swimming ,i said to myself that i should swim so it was nice and there was no snakes.
If you go to İznik,you should also remember to eat İznik Kofte at Yusuf's place.It is the best place to eat meatball.Also you should go and visit the ceramics there.I bought lots of jewelery and people liked them .
After İznik, my second stop was to Istanbul.To tell you the truth ,I did not miss Istanbul but i mıssed my friends.Everyday I dıd something but mostly i wanted to spend my time with my sister and my nephew.One night I went to a place named "backyard" .It was a nice place but the service was awful.
Finally I am back in town and it is very hot again.The good news is I got a job now.

Try to stay happy however your mood is

Defne Agrasoy

4 Ağustos 2013 Pazar


Hello guys,
How are you today?On the 2nd of August ,it was my dear mom's birthday so we were out at night.There is a place named ''Mekan'' The owner of this place  was so kind to us and his wife became my friend when i first came to Bodrum.He bought a cake for my mom as a jester. We also invited mom's friend and my friends.It was a really enjoyable night .Barlar sokağı is a really fun street to walk around.
The next day I went to Giritli Teyzenin yeri.It is also a nice place.It is not very chic place but it is very close by to where i live so my friends and I  had some breakfast there.The breakfast  is very magnificent there.5 different kinds of cheese,5 different kinds of jams  and huge breakfast with unlimited tea(which was my favorite).
Joel is in Bodrum.She is one of my best friends and we were there in Giritli Teyze for  maybe 4 hours.Water was so good, not much cold so we swam ,we talked so it was a lovely time that we spent together. I realized that i missed her.We ordered watermelon and cheese then we went to our friend's house.
At 6 o'clock I went to Barlar Sokağı to meet my friend whose name is Öznur and we discoverd a new place named''The Chef Cafe'' .It is a kind of pattiserie and the view is wonderful.The place is  just looking to Bodrum Castle and it seems like I would touch the castle if i reach for it.
So it was a lovely day for me from the beginning to the end.Thanks my friends for being my friends.

Try to stay happy however your mood is

Defne Agrasoy

31 Temmuz 2013 Çarşamba


Hello everyone,
It has been a long time that i could not write anything because there was nothing special to write. I know that it should not be anything special for me to write  cuz it is just a blog. I write whatever i want.
Okey I will start with my painful night. I had a tough night last night.It was so hot as usual and i could not sleep till 4 o'clock in the morning.Thanks to my friends who was online,I had such a nice sleepless 4 hours:))))
Yesterday I went to Barlar Sokağı to meet my friend.Her husband is the owner of a little,cute place named MEKAN. Two nights in a week there is a live performance by a young student who plays guitar.I ate something there and we went to Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü to give our teaching certificate so  if they need teachers for the public schools,they can call us.By  the way she is also a teacher.So we are having fun here together.We went to the port to ask about the daily Kos or Rhode tours and the guy told us that to go to one of those islands costs 67 € as total ;the boat and the daily visa.I went home and we ate something with my mom and dad and like every night there was icecream on the menu but not as good as YAŞAR USTA SORBE VE DONDURMALARI.

Try to stay happy however your mood is

Defne Agrasoy

26 Temmuz 2013 Cuma


Hi There,
As I told you before ,I am getting used to live here and I found a hairdresser .I got an appointment and I went there today ,I had my manicure but I could not decide if i should leave my hair like this(a little bit longer than this picture.) or  should i let the hairdresser cut my hair?It is very hot here and my hair , when it touches my skin, it burns my skin you know what i mean.
Nevermind this is not a big issue to discuss but i would love to learn your opinions. So where were we?Hmmm yes today i went to the  Center of Bodrum again and today is Friday so there is bazaar here .Vegetables and fruits bazaar.Every Friday and Tuesday there is bazaar at the garage where all the mass transit buses gathers.Fridays are bazaar for vegetables and fruits and Tuesdays are bazaar for outfits.Now i am going to talk about the Friday bazaar so vegetables and fruits.They are all organic and they are from the villages around.They are fresh and healthy and I really do not undrestand why don't people go  and shop from the bazaar instead of going to Migros.I write this but unfortunately my parents are one of those people who does not go and shop from the bazaar.I always give this example but 2 weeks ago I went to bazaar with my sister's mother in law to get some vıllage eggs for my baby nephew and also asked for some other stuff .We asked 2 melons, 2 kilo of eggplants and a kilo of beans and you won't believe your ears and eyes but we paid 5 TL which is ridiculously cheap.And I decided to buy a bazaar bag and starting from next Friday,I will go shopping from the bazaar.(Pls  do not misunderstand me I am not talking about buying dairy products and meat products because ı am not that brave yet .MAY BE ONE DAY...)
Try to stay happy however your mood is
Love Defne

23 Temmuz 2013 Salı

Getting used to live here

Hello again,
I am here in Bodrum for 3.5 weeks by now and I loved to be here.I find lots of friends here day by day and it makes me feel so good. A week ago one of my friends from Aci School came to Bodrum with her husband.She texted me and we met and we had a lovely day together.I go out with friends and at the same time i organize my schedule for the job interviews so I am having fun here.
Yesterday after a job interview, I met a girl .She is one of my friend's friend and that friend of ours gave our phone numbers to eachother so we met and i really liked her alot.I was thinking that I was such a shy girl and i would be all by myself in Bodrum but trying to be on my feet taught me that ı am not a shy and weak  person but i am  strong and confident person and to learn this made me so relaxed and happy.
Everyday i go to the center of Bodrum and walk around to see different things.I take a book , i find a place to sit  and read my book  and after spending some time there , I take the İçmeler bus and go back home.
One of my favorite places there is Asmalı Doner.It is a doner place. It is not a big place  but it is cute and clean.It is on the way to Bodrum Marina.Whenever i go there;my order is döner with lots of pickles and a beer.That cold beer makes me feel that I AM ALIVE...

Try to stay happy however your mood is
Love Defne

21 Temmuz 2013 Pazar


This is Defne from Bodrum.I just moved to Bodrum nearly a month ago.I was living in Istanbul as an English teacher and I decided to live in Bodrum as an English teacher.
I was coming to Bodrum every summer for fun with my friends but this time I will experience Bodrum in autumn,winter ,spring and summer and i will try to share all my experiences with you guys.
First I want to tell you about myself. I am 39 years old and I am graduated from Istanbul University.I studied American Literature.I love languages and I believe that one language is one person  so learning languages is very important issue in life.I started my teaching carieer in TEIS(The English International School) as a kindergarten teacher.My background is strong that even i was a kindergarten teacher ,I can teach different age levels from 3 to elderly people.

Bodrum is such a nice place that lots of people are coming to live here.If you know how to live and where to go or where to buy from ; it is also a cheap place to live in. In summer time it is the highest season of Bodrum but after september ,it is very reasonable.These are my opinions ofcourse but when I go out,I talk to the people and they tell me that it is not cheap to live here at all but as far as i experienced,YES it is reasonable to live here but as i told you if you know where to go for shopping or if you know which restaurant to go.Is not it same everywhere?
Now I have to go to the center of Bodrum to buy some Pide which is our traditional bread when Ramadan comes so bye for now.

Try to stay happy however your mood is
Love Defne