18 Ağustos 2013 Pazar

Iznik and finally Istanbul after a month

Hello everybody,
How are you?I was in İznik for the Ramadan bayram so i could not write anything.I was with my sister's family.They have a summer house in Darka ,İznik.It was wonderful to be with my little nephew and my sister .In Bodrum I swim in the sea but in İznik I swam in the lake but i was so scared to swim in the lake,because some people told me that in the lake there are snakes but they also told me that they are very friendly snakes and instead of giving harm, they swim with you.I said "Okey i am not going to swim there guys".But when i saw my sister swimming ,i said to myself that i should swim so it was nice and there was no snakes.
If you go to İznik,you should also remember to eat İznik Kofte at Yusuf's place.It is the best place to eat meatball.Also you should go and visit the ceramics there.I bought lots of jewelery and people liked them .
After İznik, my second stop was to Istanbul.To tell you the truth ,I did not miss Istanbul but i mıssed my friends.Everyday I dıd something but mostly i wanted to spend my time with my sister and my nephew.One night I went to a place named "backyard" .It was a nice place but the service was awful.
Finally I am back in town and it is very hot again.The good news is I got a job now.

Try to stay happy however your mood is

Defne Agrasoy

4 Ağustos 2013 Pazar


Hello guys,
How are you today?On the 2nd of August ,it was my dear mom's birthday so we were out at night.There is a place named ''Mekan'' The owner of this place  was so kind to us and his wife became my friend when i first came to Bodrum.He bought a cake for my mom as a jester. We also invited mom's friend and my friends.It was a really enjoyable night .Barlar sokağı is a really fun street to walk around.
The next day I went to Giritli Teyzenin yeri.It is also a nice place.It is not very chic place but it is very close by to where i live so my friends and I  had some breakfast there.The breakfast  is very magnificent there.5 different kinds of cheese,5 different kinds of jams  and huge breakfast with unlimited tea(which was my favorite).
Joel is in Bodrum.She is one of my best friends and we were there in Giritli Teyze for  maybe 4 hours.Water was so good, not much cold so we swam ,we talked so it was a lovely time that we spent together. I realized that i missed her.We ordered watermelon and cheese then we went to our friend's house.
At 6 o'clock I went to Barlar Sokağı to meet my friend whose name is Öznur and we discoverd a new place named''The Chef Cafe'' .It is a kind of pattiserie and the view is wonderful.The place is  just looking to Bodrum Castle and it seems like I would touch the castle if i reach for it.
So it was a lovely day for me from the beginning to the end.Thanks my friends for being my friends.

Try to stay happy however your mood is

Defne Agrasoy